Marylin & Fabrice – Umami
UMAMI, gourmet and traditional cuisine, in l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue.
Marylin & Fabrice
A Franco-Quebec couple, Marilyne and Fabrice are delighted to introduce you to their creative cuisine, made with love and passion, and particularly with flavors that know no borders, inviting you on a culinary voyage.
Created in 2009, UMAMI is extremely fortunate to have been able to evolve alongside you for so many years. Without you, this adventure would be very bland. Thank you all for your trust and loyalty.

Creative Cuisine
Passionate about cooking, our chefs invite you to come and discover their delicious culinary creations concocted from mostly local and regional products chosen with the greatest care.
UMAMI, a fusion of gastronomic and traditional cuisine, in l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Vaucluse (84). For an evening with friends or a romantic meal, book a table.